Sound Baths and Healing Sessions


I host regular Sound Baths in London, Glastonbury and, from January to March 2025, in Lima (Peru!). 
This experience guides you into a deep meditative state using the sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls. The sounds emitted from the bowls are enchanting harmonic tones reminiscent of an angelic choir. The bowls create a feeling of peace in a loving and compassionate way, bringing us back into perfect balance and harmony.

I also offer one to one Soul Healing sessions, using the Crystal Bowls, which aim to remove blockages to the energy flow within the chakras, aura and physical body; to relax, re-align and balance the body, mind, heart and soul.

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Planetary Soundscapes – Astrology in Sound for 3rd – 9th February 2025

Here in Lima, I’m playing this week’s astrology in sound, working with the Cosmic Octave. 

Highlights of the week starting with the Venus Neptune Conjunction in Pisces, ending with the Sun Mercury Conjunction in Aquarius and a loving-the-world Venus Pluto sextile throughout most of it. And there’s a welcome jolt of confidence back in our lives with the Jupiter retrograde ending on Tuesday.

3rd February.

Dreams of romance may stay just that, today. Your feelings are true and strong, but it’s difficult find the confidence to overcome shyness.

4th February

It can be difficult to put your feelings into words, especially when those around you don’t seem to be respecting your feelings. But you will find your voice when it counts.

5th February 

It’s not a good day for dealing with the world. Step back and work through any feelings of unease and contrariness. You will feel better for it later.

6th February

Stop and smell the roses (well, snowdrops, I suppose). Feel the beauty of the world around you and charge up your spirit. Don’t let conflict touch you.

7th February

Get that Friday Feeling. Go out and have fun. But be mindful as it is very easy to get talked into things at the moment.

8th February

Romantic dreams are hit with a dose of reality as you hear some truths that may hit you hard. But your friends are there for you.

9th February

A good day for introspection and meditation. Keep yourself away from a lot of noise outside so you can get in touch with your true feelings.

Planetary Soundscape – Astrology in Sound for 27th January to 2nd February

Playing a Planetary Soundscape for 27th January to 2nd February, working with the Cosmic Octave. This is a crystal bowl sound bath, playing the harmonies of the planetary aspects for the week. I’m the Chinese Garden in Miraflores, Lima.

This week, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus are all in retrograde, but the rebellious spirit of Uranus goes positive on the 31st. And look out for the Moon/Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius on Tuesday, followed by the Moon/Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on Saturday.

27th January.

It feels easier to give in and go with the crowd; thinking you are not free to be yourself. But you know in your heart that it is wrong. Believe that you can cut through the illusions and forge ahead.

28th January.

If a relationship has been stuck in a safe predictability, you may feel a need to let go and find new joy and stimulation in indulging in some fantasies. By the end of the day you may be inspired with a new revelation.

29th January.

It’s the Lunar New Year in Aquarius. It bings new insights for a new you and it will feel great, like a rebirth. But don’t get overconfident and take on more than you can cope with.

30th January.

Your fresh starts may be hindered today by others trying to hold you back; especially if you try to do too much too soon. Don’t worry about them. Stand your ground

31st January.

You start getting the feeling today that you might be chasing an illusion. It looks good but your gut is telling you there might be something off. Trust your gut feelings to keep you on your guard and grounded.

1st February.

It’s a new season and you feel your world coming alive. You are guided by beautiful dreams today. It may be best to keep them to yourself for now but trust your feelings and instincts to quietly seek a new role.

2nd February.

Dreams of love excite you and your feelings are running amok. You may be wearing your heart on your sleeve and need to be completely honest and open, but please try not to frighten the horses! Careful not to go too far.

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Planetary Soundscapes – Astrology in Sound for 20th-26th January 2025

This sound bath, using bowls tuned to the frequencies of the Planets, will help bring you into harmony with the astrological influences of the week ahead, the first week of the Aquarius Sun.

Monday 20th January

A time to kick back a bit and relax. You can be comfortable in your skin and in your world. As long as you keep your cool you can let yourself speak your mind and you’ll be heard.

Tuesday 21st January

It’s extra important to stay cool today. Your head and your heart are in different places, but the Air Signs are dominant. Keep your head in charge and your world will stay smooth.

Wednesday 22nd January

It’s easy to be yourself today. Devote yourself fully to whatever you feel is most important in your life and the key to progression will become apparent.

Thursday 23rd January

Even without this week’s ‘Planetary Parade’, today is extremely busy in our skies, with the Scorpio Moon working on almost everything. It all boils down to keeping your head down, your mouth closed and your ears and eyes open. The more you learn, the more potential trouble you’ll avoid.

Friday 24th January

You feel good about yourself today, but it’s not a good time to crow about it. A quiet confidence will go a long way as long as you do it quietly and diplomatically.

Saturday 25th January

Let it all go for the weekend. Down tools and relax. Today is not a day for asserting yourself; let your friends and loved ones set the agenda and go with it.

Sunday 26th January

Spend the day with family and do something you’ve always dreamt of doing. But don’t go to church – it will just annoy you.

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Planetary Soundscapes – Astrology in Sound for 13th – 19th January 2025

This sound bath, using bowls tuned to the frequencies of the Planets, will help bring you into harmony with the astrological influences of the week ahead, the final week of the Capricorn Sun.

Monday 13th January

On this day of the Cancer Full Moon you are likely to feel lost and agitated by the needs of those around you. You are putting the needs of others before your own and your work/life balance is suffering. You feel a need to conform and give in for the sake of a peaceful life but deep down you know it isn’t right and others are not valuing or even noticing your sacrifices.

Tuesday 14th January

With the fading full moon drift into shining Leo, you feel able to overcome the retrograde Mars shyness, despite the ongoing imbalance and unsteadiness of your world and relationships. 

Wednesday 15th January

Others are still trying to assert themselves over you but the Sun sextile Neptune and opposite retrograde Mars is showing you your truth and integrity to overcome their negative influences. 

Thursday 16th January

Today there’s almost no moon influence so you can see your life a little more clearly, with a cool head, with the Capricorn Sun urging you to keep your own council and not be misled.

Friday 17th January

Beginning a self-care weekend! Venus, Saturn and Mercury become activated in today. In particular there is a need to focus on loving yourself. Speak regular affirmations to yourself and don’t drag yourself down by nitpicking faults.

Saturday 18th January

The closing hours of the Virgo Moon and Capricorn Sun today make it a good time to make lists of everything you are good at. Be honest; see yourself as a friend and colleague would see you and see proof how amazing you really can be.

Sunday 19th January 

The dawning of Aquarius! These days of affirming what makes you special in the world continue as the Sun shifts into Aquarius and meets Pluto. Speak your truth, openly and clearly and people will hear you.

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Dark Moon Samhain Sound Bath

I was honoured to be asked to perform this sound bath as the lead in to a Dark Moon Samhain drumming circle in London on 31st October 2024.

Unfortunately, we didn’t quite have enough light for great video but I hope you’ll be listening with your eyes closed anyway!

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Full Moon Eclipse Soundbath and Yoga Nidra Journey

17th September 7pm – 9.30pm Canvas & Cream, Forest Hill, SE23 3HF

On the night of the 17th September there will be a Super Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. A time of deep introspection leading to a full arousal of our spiritual and creative urges.

At Canvas & Cream in Forest Hill, South East London, I will be teaming up with Yin Yoga and Nidra teacher and Rest advocate, Mary Schnorrenberg in a special two hour event bathing and guiding you through the effects of the Full Moon moving through Pisces.

Book tickets now…!

I will be bathing you with sounds and harmonies of the Moon’s astrological patterns and planetary alignments, while, Mary will weave a soothing journey of awareness back home to our bodies through breathwork and a creative yoga Nidra journey. Through accessing what she calls The Three Sisters of Slow- Softness, Stillness and Silence we are more able to land fully in this moment, take some deep healing breaths and then start to look outward again. With this powerful Full Moon in Pisces, which is all about imagination, dreaming and really understanding our own Perceptions, this watery Moon is an incredible portal space to properly dream BIG.

An opportunity to let go of what no longer is needed – at Full Moon – while calling in through collective dreaming and imagining a new more beautIful lighter world that we all know is possible!

We end the session with a short sharing circle and water blessing and there will be time to journal or draw, so please do bring notebooks.

Also a light blanket, a yoga mat, eye pillow or mask and maybe a neck pillow for extra comfort – to make the journey as comfortable as possible..

Any questions do ask!

Learn more about Mary’s work here.

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Launch of book “Heaven’s Moon”

Come to the legendary Bonnington Café in Vauxhall on Monday 24th June at 6.30pm for the local launch of Heaven’s Moon.

Discover your Divine Self through White Moon Selena

Shining through from the Spiritual Realms, White Moon Selena illuminates your astrological birth chart with the power of Selene, the Classical Greek Goddess of the Moon.

Orbiting the Earth every seven years, this ‘hypothetical second moon’ from Russian Astrology is a portal to a spiritual moonlight that shines on where in life your highest aspirations can be found and how you best strive to reach them.

Through an exploration of how White Moon Selena is expressed in all twelve Signs of the Zodiac, you can understand White Moon Selena’s placement in your birth chart. It shows you which part of your life offers you the path towards your highest aspirations. 

Learn how the transits of the Planets every day can affect your confidence and vision of your evolution to your Divine Self.
Which Planets are helping you? And what Astrology techniques can you positively employ to overcome the Planets that hinder you?

Your Sun Sign shows you who you are…
Your White Moon Selena Sign shows you the ultimate God or Goddess within you.

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My new book, “Heaven’s Moon”

My first book, “Heaven’s Moon: The Astrological Power of White Moon Selena” is being launched on 21st June in Glastonbury. The books have just arrived today from the printer and I want to share this special moment.

The Launch is 21ST JUNE 2024, 6.30PM – 9PM GODDESS HOUSE, Glastonbury. Join me with fellow authors Sally-Shakti Willow and Morgana Sophia celebrating the birth of our creations.

The books are: Heaven’s Moon – The astrological power of White Moon Selena by me, David Spofforth

Writing and Thriving- writing and wellbeing tips for visionary writers by Sally-Shakti Willow

Starfire Leaders of the Age of Aquarius- New Earth Leadership by Morgana Sophia

We would be delighted if you could join us at the launch on 21st June 2024 where we will be holding a Full moon summer solstice celebration with sound bath!!! Tickets £5 for just the ceremnony £15 if you’d like a signed copy of one of our books (let us know which one!) £30 if you are super excited and want a signed copy of all three!!!

You can book here

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