My new book, “Heaven’s Moon”

My first book, “Heaven’s Moon: The Astrological Power of White Moon Selena” is being launched on 21st June in Glastonbury. The books have just arrived today from the printer and I want to share this special moment.

The Launch is 21ST JUNE 2024, 6.30PM – 9PM GODDESS HOUSE, Glastonbury. Join me with fellow authors Sally-Shakti Willow and Morgana Sophia celebrating the birth of our creations.

The books are: Heaven’s Moon – The astrological power of White Moon Selena by me, David Spofforth

Writing and Thriving- writing and wellbeing tips for visionary writers by Sally-Shakti Willow

Starfire Leaders of the Age of Aquarius- New Earth Leadership by Morgana Sophia

We would be delighted if you could join us at the launch on 21st June 2024 where we will be holding a Full moon summer solstice celebration with sound bath!!! Tickets £5 for just the ceremnony £15 if you’d like a signed copy of one of our books (let us know which one!) £30 if you are super excited and want a signed copy of all three!!!

You can book here